Waterford On The Alafia
The Waterford Run By-Laws represent the legal structure established in June of 1984 to administer the Covenants,Restrictions and Assessments that the community Homeowners have agreed to be subject to. This legal structure does business under the name of the “Waterford Property Owners Association” or WPOA.
The structure established by these by-laws is a Florida Corporation and currently has the following Officers / Directors:
President.............. Jennifer Miller
Vice President....... John Hamm
Secretary.............. Jeanne Cotto
Treasurer.............. Frank Bragg
Member at Large.... Josh Potter, Josh Fabelo, Meahgan Richards
The current By-Laws can be found at the following links:
By-Laws: By-Laws Effective 05-01-09
The Waterford Run Covenants are a list of Deed Restrictions and Assessments that the community Homeowners have agreed to be subject to. The detailed covenants can be found at the following links:
Covenants: Covenants Effective 05-01-09
Tax Filings:
The Waterford Property Owners association is required to file 1120H Tax returns with the IRS. These returns are documented in the following link which is password protected on this site. Any Waterford Property Owner wishing to see or copy these documents can make a request to any WPOA board member.
WPOA Tax Filings: All years